হৃদৰোগ – এক নীৰৱ ঘাতক

হৃদৰোগ প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰো আহক

ডাঃ চন্দন মোদক

হৃদযন্ত্ৰৰ কাম কি?

হৃদযন্ত্ৰ আমাৰ শৰীৰৰ মূখ্য অংগ যিয়ে আমাৰ অন্যান্ন সকলো অংগ-প্ৰত্যংগৰ সঠিক পৰিচালনাৰ কাৰণে অতি জৰুৰী অম্লজান(OXYGEN)ৰ যোগান ধৰে। আমি নজনাকৈয়ে আমাৰ জন্মৰ আগৰে পৰাই আমাৰ হৃদপিন্ডই ইয়াৰ সংকোচন সম্প্ৰসাৰনৰ জৰিয়তে অবিৰতভাৱে আমাৰ সমস্ত শৰীৰলৈ ৰক্তসন্চালন প্ৰক্ৰিয়া চলাই ৰাখে- আমাৰ মৃত্যুলৈকে ।

হৃদৰোগ কি ? 
হৃদৰোগ হ’ল একাধিক  ৰোগৰ সমষ্টি যিবোৰে আমাৰ হৃদযন্ত্ৰক আক্ৰমণ কৰি ইয়াৰ সঠিক কৰ্মপ্ৰক্ৰিয়াত ব্যঘাত জন্মায়। যেনে-

  • ‘ৰিউমেটিক হাৰ্ট ডিজিজ’ ( Rheumatic Valvular Heart Disease) অথবা ভাল্ভৰ বেমাৰ,
  • ‘কোৰোনাৰী আৰটাৰী ডিজিজ'(Coronary Artery Disease) অথবা হৃদযন্ত্ৰৰ তেজৰ নলীকাৰ বেমাৰ,
  • ‘হাৰ্ট  এটেক’ (Heart Attack),
  • হাৰ্ট ফেইলাৰ’ (Heart Failure),
  • হাৰ্ট ব্লক’  (Heart Block)

‘ৰিউমেটিক হাৰ্ট ডিজিজ’ – ভাল্ভৰ বেমাৰ

  • এবিধ বেক্টেৰিয়াৰ আক্ৰমণৰ ফলত হৃদযন্ত্ৰৰ ভাল্ভ ক্ষতিগ্ৰস্ত হয় আৰু আমি  হৃদৰোগত আক্ৰান্ত হৈ পৰো।
  • বেছিভাগ ৰোগীৰ ক্ষেত্ৰতে শ্বাস-প্ৰস্বাসৰ কষ্ট, অনবৰত বুকুৰ ধপধপনি, কাঁহ, ভৰি ফুলা ইত্যাদি লক্ষ্যণবোৰে দেখা দিয়ে।
  • এই ৰোগ  আমাৰ দুখীয়া শ্ৰেণীৰ মানুহৰ মাজতে বেছিকে দেখিবলে পোৱা যায়।
  • এই ৰোগৰ পৰা হাত সৰাৰ একমাত্ৰ উপায় হৈছে্ সাধাৰণ কাঁহ জ্বৰ হ’লেও ডাক্তৰৰ পৰামৰ্শ লৈ এন্টিবায়টিক খোৱা যাতে বীজাণুবিধে হৃদযন্ত্ৰক আক্ৰাণ্ত কৰিব নোৱাৰে।

‘কোৰোনাৰী আৰটাৰী ডিজিজ’ অথবা হৃদযন্ত্ৰৰ তেজৰ নলীকাৰ বেমাৰ

  • তেজৰ নলীকা কিছুমানে হৃদপিন্ডৰ পেশীক অম্লজান আৰু খাদ্যৰ যোগান ধৰে।
  • আমাৰ শৰী্ৰৰ ক্ষতিকাৰক মেদৰ (CHOLESTEROL) পৰিমাণ বাঢ়িলে তেজৰ নলীকাবোৰত এই মেদ জমা হয় (ATHEROSCLEROSIS) আৰু নলীবো্ৰ ব্যাসাৰ্ধ কমি যায়।
  • এই নলীবো্ৰ যদি আংশিকভাৱে বন্ধ হয় তেতিয়া মানুহৰ বুকুৰ বিষ (ANGINA) হয়।কামৰ লগত, খোজৰ লগত এই বিষ বাঢ়ি যায় আৰু আৰাম কৰিলে কমি যায়।

‘হাৰ্ট  এটেক’ (Heart Attack)

  • এই নলীবো্ৰ যদি সম্পূৰ্ণৰূপে বন্ধ হয় তেতিয়া বহুত গুৰুতৰ বেমাৰ- ‘হাৰ্ট এটেক’ হোৱা বুলি কোৱা হয়।
  • বেছিভাগ ৰোগীৰ ক্ষেত্ৰতে প্ৰচন্ড বুকুৰ বিষ হয়, বাঁও হাতৰ বিষ, বুকুত হেচা মাৰি ধৰে, ঘামি যায়, মৰি যোৱাৰ ভয় হয়।
  • শ্বাস-প্ৰস্বাসৰ কষ্ট, বুকুৰ ধপধপনি ইত্যাদি লক্ষ্যণবোৰে দেখা দিয়ে।

‘হাৰ্ট ফেইলাৰ’ -Heart Failure
হৃদযন্ত্ৰৰ পেশীৰ দুৰ্বলতাৰ ফলত ইয়াৰ সংকোচন শক্তি হ্ৰাস পায়।


  • দুৰ্বলতা, খোজ কাঢ়িলে শ্বাস-প্ৰস্বাসৰ কষ্ট,
  • ভৰি ফুলা, পেট ফুলা,
  • শ্বাস-প্ৰস্বাসৰ কষ্টত ৰাতি শুব নোৱাৰা হোৱা,
  • ৰাতি কাঁহি থকা
  • বুকুৰ ধপধপনি

‘হাৰ্ট ব্লক’ (Heart Block)

হৃদযন্ত্ৰৰ গতি হ্ৰাস পালে মানুহ মুৰ্ছা যায়।


  • ভাল মানুহ এজন হঠাতে মুৰ্ছা যোৱা,
  • হঠাতে মূৰটো বেয়া লগা আৰু পৰি যোৱাৰ উপক্ৰম হোৱা,
  • দুৰ্বলতা,
  • ভৰি ফুলা

হৃদৰোগৰ পৰা হাতসৰাৰ উপায় আছেনে?

  • আছে।।
  • ​উচ্চ ৰক্ত চাপ নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ কৰক–প্ৰতিদিনে দৰৱ খাওক, নিৰ্দিষ্ট সময়ৰ মূৰে মূৰে ডাক্তৰৰ পৰামৰ্শ লওক ​।
  • ​​ডায়েবেটিছ দূৰাৰোগ্য ব্যধি-ইয়াক নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ কৰক, প্ৰতিদিনে দৰৱ খাওক, নিৰ্দিষ্ট সময়ৰ মূৰে মূৰে ডাক্তৰৰ পৰামৰ্শ লওক ।
  • জীৱন শৈলী উন্নত কৰক–নিতৌ অন্ততঃ ৪৫ মিনিট সময় শৰীৰ চৰ্চা কৰক- দৌৰক, চাইকেল চলাওক বা সাতোৰক ।
  • ​​তেলুক মাংস, গাখীৰৰ মাখন, ঘী, কনীৰ কুহুম আদি হৃদৰোগৰ শত্ৰু-আজিয়ে বৰ্জন কৰক ।
  • ​ সতেজ সেউজীয়া শাক-পাচলি, ফল-মূল বেছিকৈ খাওক।


Dr Chandan Modak

Peripheral arterial disease is a disorder of the blood vessels outside the brain and heart. Heart attack is due to the blockage of the blood vessels supplying the heart. Similarly leg attack, intestinal attack can happen when the blood vessels to these organs are blocked. The basic mechanism is similar to that of coronary artery disease with most common cause is atherosclerosis which means there is deposition of bad cholesterol inside the blood vessel wall leading to narrowing of the lumen of the vessel.

Peripheral arterial disease is narrowing of the blood vessels to the legs and arms.When there is a reduced blood supply to the leg, this causes thigh and calf muscle pain while walking. Pain disappears during rest.



Peripheral artery disease graphic


  • Cramping or fatigue in the legs while walking
  • Non-healing ulcers on the feet or legs
  • Pain in the feet while on bed
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Coldness in lower leg or foot
  • A change in colour of legs
  • Shiny skin on legs
  • Loss of hair over legs
  • Late presentation is critical limb ischemia and necrosis of the limb which may require amputation(surgical removal of the part from body)


  • Even some patients with severely low blood flow causing gangrene (necrosis) may have their toes or limbs saved by interventional cardiologist by nonsurgical treatments like balloon angioplasty, stent placement through percutaneous procedures.

When to worry about a fever in adults

Dr Chandan Modak

What is a fever? — A fever is a rise in body temperature that goes above a certain level. The level that is considered a fever depends on how you take the temperature. Here are the values that are considered a fever:

●Oral (mouth) temperature above 100ºF (37.8ºC)

●Armpit temperature above 99ºF (37.2ºC)

●Ear temperature above 100.4ºF (38ºC) in rectal mode or 99.5ºF (37.5ºC) in oral mode

●Forehead temperature above 100.4ºF (38ºC)

●Rectal temperature above 100.4ºF (38ºC)

What is the best way to take my temperature? — Armpit, ear, and forehead temperatures are easier to measure than rectal or oral temperatures, but they are not as accurate.

Here is the right way to take an oral temperature:

●Wait at least 30 minutes after you eat or drink anything hot or cold.

●Wash the thermometer with cool water and soap. Then rinse it.

●Place the tip of the thermometer under your tongue toward the back. Hold the thermometer with your lips, not your teeth.

●Keep your lips closed around the thermometer. A glass thermometer takes about 3 minutes to work. Most digital thermometers take less than 1 minute.

The height of the temperature is less important than how sick you feel. If you think you have a fever and you feel sick, your doctor or nurse might want you to double-check by getting an oral or rectal temperature.

What causes fever? — The most common cause of fever in adults is infection. Common infections that can cause fever include:

●A cold or the flu

●An airway infection, such as bronchitis

●A stomach bug

Most of these infections are not serious and get better on their own.

When should I see a doctor or nurse? — Call your doctor or nurse if you get a fever and you:

●Are pregnant

●Recently got back from a trip to Africa, Asia, Latin America, or the Middle East

●Just got out of the hospital, or had surgery or another medical procedure

●Get infections often

●Are on chemotherapy – Call your doctor or nurse if your oral temperature goes above 100ºF (37.8ºC) for more than one hour. Also call if it goes above 101ºF (38.3ºC) even just one time.

●Take medicines that suppress the body’s infection fighting system, also called the “immune system” – Examples of these medicines include steroids and medicines used to prevent rejection after organ transplant.

You should also call if you have:

●Fever that lasts several days or keeps coming back

●A recent bite from an insect called a tick – Infections you can catch from tick bites can cause fever and other symptoms.

●A serious health condition, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, lupus, or sickle cell anemia

●Fever plus one or more of these symptoms:


•Trouble breathing

•Severe headache or neck pain

•Seizure or confusion

•Severe vomiting or diarrhea

•Severe pain in the belly, back, or sides

•Any other symptom that is unusual or worries you

Will I need tests? — Maybe. Your doctor or nurse will do an exam and talk with you about your symptoms. You might also have the following tests:

●Blood tests

●Urine tests

●Chest X-ray or CT scan – These imaging tests create pictures of the inside of the body.

Your doctor or nurse will talk to you about any other tests you might need.

Can I do anything on my own to feel better? — Yes. You can stay home, rest, and drink plenty of fluids. You can also take acetaminophen (sample brand name: Tylenol) to relieve fever.

How are fevers treated? — That depends on the cause. Many people do not need treatment. If you do, treatments can include:

●Antibiotics to fight the infection. But antibiotics only work on infections caused by bacteria, not infections caused by viruses. For example, antibiotics will NOT work on a cold.

●Medicines, such as acetaminophen  or ibuprofen. These medicines can help bring down a fever. But they are not always necessary.

Asanas for Mom Aspirant Working Women

Dr. Ramala Sarma

Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy

Nowgong College: Nagaon

Age matters in whatever we do, whatever episode of our life we pass through. Be it getting admitted in an academic institute, applying for a job, getting married or having a child, age is the first and foremost condition. For age indicates different states of body and mind.

Indeed, age tells us when is the best time for the human body to perform a particular action. And acting in the right time helps you reap the best fruit of your action, while failing to do it may leave you in utter hopelessness. For some chances, unlike seasons, are not repetitive. Moreover, we cannot reverse our age!

Thus aging has often been a challenge for every man and woman. It is a process we lose our potentiality through. Particularly for the working woman, aging comes as a warning. For she has to achieve two important milestones of her life— one is attaining her femininity in the fullest sense of the term and the other is reaching the pinnacle of her career height. Both often require her to strive for in sync. As a result, success in one quite often leaves a negative impact on the other.

It is not a rare case when a woman professional gets to hear from her physical consultant that her uterus is not working well due to aging. It is probably the worst verdict from the physician to any mom aspirant who is likely to suffer the loss for no fault of hers.

However, every challenge has its own way out. A working woman can achieve both her goals with a little care and a bodily discipline as well. Well, she cannot stop aging, but she can keep her body healthy so it can withstand the cruelty of aging. A good food habit coupled with regular practice of yogasana and pranayama could be handy for her.

Of the many asanas, Bhujangasana and  Salabhasana are the two that help keep the uterus healthy. The steps of these asnas along with other benefits that they offer are given below—

Bhujangasana (snake pose):

Bhujanga is a Sanskrit word for snake. This posture resembles a snake with its hood raised.

Steps: Lie on the chest and stomach. Put the legs together and straight with the toes touching the ground and pointing backward. Now bending the arms at elbow, place the palms on the ground one foot apart from the chest. Then while inhaling, slowly raise neck, chest and then belly with the dignity of a cobra. While exhaling, go back to the original position.

Breathing and duration:  Breathe normally and practice it for 15-20 seconds.

Benefits: This asana works as a blessing for the women. It heals uterus-related diseases and cures monthly cycle pain. It replenishes lost energy. It cures acidity, indigestion and waist pain. It tones up the reproductive system, the spinal cord, liver, and kidney. This asana is one of the healing asanas for high blood pressure patients.

Salabhasana (locust pose):
Steps: Lie on the chest keeping the legs straight behind. Place the palms under thighs facing downward. Rest the chin on the ground. Now raise the legs up about 45 degree from the ground without bending at the knees. Put the legs together while lifting. After a few seconds, lower them without bending at the knees.

Breathing and duration:  Breathe normally and practice it for 10-15 seconds.

Benefits: Aside keeping uterus healthy, this asana also keeps abdomen, stomach, liver, pancreas and brain well working. It tones up chest and neck. It strengthens vertebral column by supplying abundant blood to it. It heals leg pain and sciatica, lumbar spondylitis and slipped disk etc.

We cannot alter the law of nature. What we can do is to go in harmony with it. Technological breakthroughs have done wonders to our life, but those are external aids. Moreover, they come at a high price unaffordable by many. Yoga— a time-tested practice— comes free to everyone. What it costs only is regularity.

Diets That Help To Fight Or Prevent Cancer.

Staying active, making healthy food choices and

avoiding known risk factors can reduce your risk of getting cancer.

Dr B C Roy

Smoking & Tobacco

Tobacco use is responsible for at least 30% of all cancer deaths. Smoking causes almost 90% of all lung cancers. People who live with smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer and even limited exposure to secondhand smoke can raise your heart disease risk.

Smoking causes 85% of all lung cancers. If you smoke, even occasionally, quit smoking. The health benefits of quitting starts instantly after you stop smoking.
If you live with a smoker or you are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke, you are more likely to develop lung cancer. Even limited exposure to  smoke can raise your heart disease risk.

Other Nicotine Products

Cigars, pipes and hookahs are not safe alternatives to smoking. In fact, hookah users may inhale more smoke than cigarette smokers, because hookah sessions often last an hour or more.
Smokeless tobacco products like chewing tobacco and snuff can cause mouth and throat cancers. Snuff may increase your risk for cancers of the mouth, esophagus, stomach and pancreas.
E-cigarettes are smokeless devices that vaporize a solution of nicotine, flavoring and other chemicals. E-cigarettes are not a safe alternative to smoking. Their ingredients are unregulated, and there is no evidence they are effective as a smoking cessation tool. While they do not contain tobacco, the nicotine they contain is highly addictive and harmful.

Taking the right food can prevent cancer.

Chances of developing cancer and chronic diseases can be reduced by making healthier food choices. A diet rich in plant foods like whole grains and legumes can give our body the range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it needs to stay healthy. And also, eating a variety of healthy foods can help prevent weight gain and decrease body fat.

Fill your plate with 2/3 or more of vegetables, fruits, whole grains or beans and 1/3 or less of lean animal protein. The AICR also recommends the following nutrition-related actions to reduce your cancer risk:

Avoid sugary drinks and limit consumption of energy-dense or high-calorie foods.
Limit consumption of red meats to 18 ounces of cooked meat per week. Red meat includes beef, pork and lamb.
Avoid processed meats like ham, bacon, sausage, hot dogs and deli meat.
Limit alcoholic drinks to 2 for men and 1 for women a day.
Limit consumption of added salt, salty foods and foods processed with salt (sodium).
Don’t use supplements to protect against cancer

Physical Activity
Living an active lifestyle can help prevent obesity, which is a major risk factor for cancer.

By increasing your physical activity, you lower your risk of many types of cancers including breast, endometrial, prostate, colorectal and lung cancers. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week or 75 minutes of more vigorous exercise each week. Examples of moderate activities include walking, yoga and mowing the lawn. Examples of vigorous activity include running or jogging, fast bicycling and swimming. In addition, sit for less time each day. Sitting too much increases body fat, which leads to cancer and other chronic diseases.  Try to get up and move for one to two minutes every hour that you are awake.

Do muscle strengthening exercises at least twice a week. Strength training helps you maintain a healthy weight because the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism.

Skin Safety

Limiting your exposure to the sun goes a long way in preventing skin cancer and melanoma.

Skin cancer is most common cancer in the western countries. But it’s the most preventable cancers. The primary cause is too much exposure to sun. People of all skin colors can develop skin cancer. It’s the easiest cancers to detect. Most of its types are highly curable too.

Risk factors for skin cancer include:

Frequent or intense sun exposure
One or more blistering sunburns
Red or blond hair, fair skin, freckles and blue or light-colored eyes
More than 50 moles
A family history of melanoma
A personal history of melanoma
A personal history of basal cell or squamous cell skin cancers


The human papillomavirus is a risk factor for several types of cancer. However, getting an HPV vaccination for your children can reduce their cancer risk. About 80% of people –both men and women – will get a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection at some point in their lives. HPV is spread by intimate skin-to-skin contact. While most cases are sexually transmitted, people who haven’t had intercourse can become infected.

There are many strains of human papillomavirus (HPV). Several types are linked to cancer. Most people with HPV don’t know they’re infected and never develop symptoms or health problems from it.

The body usually clears HPV on its own. When it remains, it can lead to health problems such as genital warts and several types of cancer, including:

Cervical cancer
Penile cancer
Anal cancer
Oropharyngeal cancer

Screening tests can determine if a woman has HPV. There is no screening exam to detect HPV or HPV-related cancers in men, and there are no treatments for the virus itself. However, there are ways to treat HPV-related health problems, such as precancerous lesions and genital warts.

About the HPV Vaccine:

HPV vaccines that are used—–

Cervarix (HPV 2) and Gardasil (HPV 4) protect against the most common HPV types and against cervical, anal, vulvar, vaginal, penile and oropharyngeal cancers. Only Gardasil protects against the HPV types most likely to cause genital warts. These vaccines prevent about 70% of cervical cancers.

Gardasil 9 (HPV 9) protects against nine types of HPV, including five that other vaccines don’t cover. It also prevents about 90% of cervical cancers.

The vaccines are available for males and females ages 9 to 26. Girls and boys shouid receive the vaccine around age 11 to 12 years.. HPV vaccines are given in a series of three shots over six months. Your child must complete the three-shot series for maximum protection from cancer.

Things to know about the HPV vaccine

The HPV vaccine is a safe and effective vaccination against cancer.
No research links the HPV vaccine to earlier or increased sexual activity in boys or girls.
Becoming pregnant after receiving the HPV vaccine is safe for both mother and fetus.

HPV and cervical cancer

Because no vaccine prevents all types of HPV that can cause cervical cancer, vaccinated women age 21 to 29 should still receive Pap tests every three years.

In addition to Pap tests, women age 30 to 64 also should be tested for HPV every five years. This exam checks your cervix for the virus that can cause abnormal cells that lead to cervical cancer. It may show that more frequent screening is needed.

Women age 65 or older should discuss their individual need for screening with their doctor.

Foods that can reduce your cancer risk

Sweet potatoes
Spinach (preferably organic)
Kale or collard greens (preferably organic)
Peas (fresh or frozen)
Tomatoes (no salt added if canned)
Red or purple grapes (preferably organic, if imported)
Fresh or frozen berries (preferably organic)

Lean chicken
Lean fish such as salmon, halibut, redfish or red snapper
Black, red or pinto beans (low sodium)
Garbanzo beans/chickpeas (low sodium)

Skim milk
Low-fat cheese
Eggs or egg substitutes

Wild rice or brown rice (regular or instant)
Whole grain pasta

Whole grain bread, tortillas or bunCereal
Bran flakes

Whole grain tortilla chips or crackers
Almonds (plain, unsalted)

Olive oil
Canola oil
Low-fat or fat-free salad dressing


Purple grape juice (100% juice, no added sugar)
Green or white tea (tea bags or loose)

কলাই বিজ্ঞান, বিজ্ঞানেই কলা : NABAJYOTI PATHAK

কলা অবিহনে বিজ্ঞান সম্পূৰ্ণ নহয়; বিজ্ঞান অবিহনেও সম্পূৰ্ণ নহয় কলা।সেইবাবেই ”দ্য হাৰ্টে” বিচাৰে বিজ্ঞান হওক কলাসন্মত আৰু কলা হওক বিজ্ঞান সন্মত কাৰণ কলাৰ স’তে মানুহৰ মনৰ সম্পৰ্ক আছে, হৃদয়ৰ সম্পৰ্ক আছে।মন আৰু হৃদয় দুয়োবিধেই বিজ্ঞানৰ অধ্যায়;

বিশেষকৈ চিকিৎসা বিজ্ঞানৰ। কলাই মানুহৰ মনক

সন্তুষ্টি ​দিয়ে। মনৰ সন্তুষ্টিৰ স’তে শৰীৰৰ সম্পৰ্ক

আছে।মানসিক সন্তুষ্টিয়ে শৰীৰ সজীৱ কৰে।

সন্তুষ্ট মন আৰু সজীৱ শৰীৰ সুস্থ জীৱনৰ

পৰিচায়ক। ”দ্য হাৰ্টে” বিচাৰে সুস্থ জীৱন আৰু

কলা সংস্কৃতিয়ে সমৃদ্ধ কৰা সুস্থ সমাজ জীৱন। সুস্থ-সুশীল সমাজ জীৱন আমাৰ কাম্য কিন্তু অতি দুৰ্ভাগ্যৰ বিষয় যে বিভিন্ন ৰোগৰ প্ৰকোপত আমাৰ শাৰীৰিক স্বাস্থ্য বিঘ্নিত হোৱাৰ দৰে আমাৰ নিজস্ব কলা-সংস্কৃতিও বহু ব্যাধিত আক্ৰান্ত হৈছে।আমাৰ জাতিৰ

পৰিচয় বহন কৰা থলুৱা কলা-কৃষ্টিৰ প্ৰতি বিভিন্ন

দিশৰ পৰা ন ন ভাবুকি আহি পৰিছে।

​আমাৰথলুৱা মাত কথা, আমাৰ নিজৰ ভাষা ইয়াৰ বিষয়ে আপোনালোকে ভাবকচোন, সকলো ঠিকে আছেনে? ক’ৰবাতকিবা এটা ব্যতিক্ৰম ঘটা নাইনে? আহকআমি আমাৰ কলা-সংস্কৃতিৰ সন্মুখত আহি পৰা প্ৰতিবন্ধকতা আতৰাই এইয়া

চিৰপ্ৰবাহমান কৰি ৰাখো। আমাৰ সুস্থ জীৱন আৰু

সমৃদ্ধিশালী সমাজ জীৱনৰ বাবে।

চাইকেল চলাও আহক : NABAJYOTI PATHAK

চাইকেল ! চাইকেল !!
সুস্থ শৰীৰ – নিৰ্মল পৰিৱেশ
বিগ্জ্ঞান প্ৰযুক্তিৰ বিপুল উন্নয়ন উত্তৰনৰ যুগত য়ানবাহন বিলাস ক্ৰমান্বয়ে এক পৰম্পৰাত পৰিনত হৈছে। এখন মটৰ চাইকেল, এখন মটৰগাড়ী এতিয়া হৈ পৰিছে একাংশৰ অথবা সিংহভাগৰ সপোন । আন একাংশৰ বাবে এয়া সময়ৰ দাবী; জৰূৰী । কাৰন ২৪ ঘন্টা সময়ে এতিয়া আমাক নাটে। সেয়েহে সময়ক নিজৰ নিয়ন্ত্রণত ৰাখিবলে ; তীব্ৰ প্ৰতিয়োগিতাৰ মাজেৰে সাফল্যৰ অনিৰ্ধাৰিত সুউচ্চ লক্ষ্যত উপনীত হবলৈ ‍অ‌ামি সকলোৱে জীৱনৰ গতছ বৰাবলগীয়া হৈছে। কিন্তু এই গতি বৃদ্ধিৰ পৰিণতিত আমাক এক অদৃশ্য দুৰ্ঘটনাই খেদি ফুৰিছে।(পথ দুৰ্ঘটনা অন্য এক প্ৰস্ংগ )।সেয়া হৈছে আমি নজানকৈয়ে আসুস ক্ষয়, জীৱন শৈলীৰ ভবীশ্যত বিসংগতিৰ সমান তৰাল কৈ প্ৰকৃতিয়ে গঢ়ি দিয়া আমাৰ বিনামূলীয়া বাযোপযোগী পৃথিৱীখনৰ আয়ুস ক্ষয়।

​ইয়াতে প্ৰশ্ন উপনিত হব পাৰে পৃথিৱীৰ আয়ুসৰ স’তে যানবাহনৰ সম্পৰ্ক কি ? দ্য হাৰ্টে ইয়াৰ উত্তৰত কব খোজে যানবাহনৰ চলাচলৰ ক্ৰমবৰ্ধমান হা্ৰৰ স’তে প্ৰদূষনৰ বিষয়টো ওত:প্ৰোতভাৱে জড়িত হৈ আছে।আৰু প্ৰদূষণ মানেই পৃথিৱীৰ আয়ুখ।পৃথিৱীৰ আয়ূস মানেই জীৱকুলৰ জীৱন সংকট।ইয়াৰ ফলত ইন্ধনৰ ভঁৰাল হেৰুৱাই ক্ৰমাৎ হানি হৈছে পৃথিৱীক প্ৰকৃীতিয়ে দান কৰা সম্ভাৰ।পেট্ৰলজাত সমগ্ৰী কিম্বা তৈল সম্পদ মানুহৰ উদ্বাৱন নহয়, আবিশ্কাৰহে। গতিকে এই সম্পদ আমি অকাৰনত ব্যয় অথবা অব্যৱহাৰ কৰাৰ অধিকাৰ নাই। এই পনিয়া মহামূল্যৱান সম্পদ ব্যৱহাৰত মিতব্যয়িতা অৱলম্বন কৰিলে আমি কেবাটাও কাম একে লগে কৰিব পাৰো। যেনে, ইন্ধন ৰাহি, প্ৰদূষণ ৰোধ, জীৱন অনুকূল বাতাবৰন সৃষ্টি, ৰোগ প্ৰতিৰোধ আৰু আয়ুস বৃদ্বি, প্ৰকৃতি সংৰক্ষন ইত্যাদি।

পৰিৱেশ-প্ৰকৃতি : NABAJYOTI PATHAK

আধুনিক সভ্যতাই পাতনি মেলাৰ পিছৰে পৰা পৰিৱেশতন্ত্রলৈ বিভিন্ন ধৰনৰ পৰিৱৰ্তন নামি আহিছে।বিগত শতিকাৰ শেষৰ কেইটামান দহকৰ পৰা এই পৰিৱৰ্তন অধিক তীব্ৰতৰ হোৱা পৰিলক্ষিত হৈছে।যুক্তিৰ যুগক চেৰ পেলাই প্ৰযুক্তিয়ে আধুনিক সভ্যতাক অত্যাধুনিক ৰূপ দিয়াৰ লগে লগে পৰিৱেশ আৰু প্ৰকৃতিও দ্ৰুতভাৱে সলনি হৈছে।দৰাচলতে আমি ক’ব খোজা এই আধুনিক অথবা অত্যাধুনিক মানৱ সভ্যতাৰ তথাকথিত উত্তৰনৰ পৰিণতিত পৰিৱেশ-প্ৰকৃতিত নেতিবাচক প্ৰভাৱ পৰাৰ বিষয়টো সম্প্ৰতি বিগ্জ্ঞানী সমাজৰ বাবে গৱেষনাৰ বিষয়।কিন্তু যিসকল লোকে প্ৰকৃতি নিৰ্ভৰ তেওঁলোকে জটিল গৱেষণাৰ নকৰাকৈয়ে এই কথা প্ৰত্যক্ষ কৰি আহিছে যে প্ৰকৃতি এতিয়া জীৱকূলৰ বীশেষকৈ মানৱ সমাজৰ প্ৰতি ৰুষ্ট হৈ পৰিছে।গ্ল’বেল ৱাৰ্মিঙৰ প্ৰভাৱত সমগ্ৰ বিশ্বতে খেয়ালি প্ৰকৃতিয়ে সম্প্ৰতি খঙাল ৰূপ ধাৰন কৰিছে।হিমালয়ৰ হিমবাহৰ অতিমাত্ৰ গলন অথবা একালৰ নাতীশীতোষ্ণ বুলি খ্যাত হিমালয়ৰ পাদ দেশৰ বিস্তৃৰ্ণ অঞ্চলত দেখা দিয়া অকাল খৰাং, পৰলয়ংকৰী বানপানী, অসময়ৰ ধুমুহা-প্ৰকৃতিৰ এই ৰূপ তথাকথিতঅত্যাধুনিক মানৱ সভ্যতাই মাটি-পানী-বায়ুৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত উলংঘা কৰা নীত-নিয়মৰে চৰম পৰিণতি বুলি বিভিন্ন পৰিৱেশ বিগ্জ্ঞানীয়েও উল্লেখ কৰি আহিছে।জটিল বৈগ্জ্ঞানীক তত্ত্বক বাদ দিও প্ৰকৃতিনিৰ্ভৰ সাধৰন মানুহৰ বাবে জীৱকূলে বসবাস কৰাৰ উপযোগী বাতাবৰণেই হৈছে সহজ অৰ্থত আমাৰ পৰিৱেশ।অৰ্থাত উপযোগী বাতাবৰণত জীৱশ্ৰেষ্ঠ মানুহ অৰন্যৰ জন্তু-জানোৱাৰ,সাপ-সৰীসৃপ সকলোৱে জীৱন-যাপন কৰি পৰিৱেশতন্ত্ৰৰ চিৰন্তন নীতি-নিয়ম উলংঘা কৰি পৃথিৱীখনত কেৱল তেওঁলোকৰ একচত্রী অধিকাৰ সাব্যস্ত কৰি আহিছে।এই নীতি-নিয়ম উলংঘা কৰি পৃথিৱীখনত কেৱল তেওঁলোকৰ একচত্রী অধিকাৰ সাব্যস্ত কৰি আহিছে। কংক্ৰিটৰ সভ্যতা গঢ়ি তোলাৰ নামত পৃথিৱীৰ বুকুৰ পৰা কিমান খন সেউজ অৰণ্যই বিদায় মাগিবলগীয়া হ’ল, কিমানখন নদীৰ মৃত্যু ঘটিল, কিমান জান-জলাশয়, পাহাৰ-টিলা হেৰাই গ’ল ইয়াৰ লেখ-জোখ নাই।জীৱশ্ৰেস্ঠ বুলি স্ব-ঘোষিত মানুহৰ সমাজখনৰা আগ্ৰাসনৰ পৰিণতিত যে কেৱল অৰণ্য, নৈ-জান-জলাশয়েই হেৰাই গৈছে এনে নহয়।আনকি অইন বহু জীৱকূলো পৃথিৱীৰ বুকুৰ পৰা হৰাই যাবলগীয়া হৈছে আৰু সম্প্ৰতি বিলুপ্তপ্ৰায় অৱস্থাত আছে হাজাৰ হাজাৰ জীৱ প্ৰজাতি।ইয়াৰ ফলত পৰিৱেশতন্ত্ৰৰ ভাৰসাম্য যে বিনষ্ট হৈছে সেই কথাৰ বহল বাখ্যা নিস্প্ৰয়োজন।সুমেৰু-কুমেৰুৰ পৰিৱৰ্তনৰ কথালৈ নগৈ আমি আমাৰ সন্মুখত দেখি থকা অসমখনৰ কথা ক’ব পাৰো।কাজিৰঙা ৰাষ্টীয় উদ্যান, সোণাই-ৰূপাই অভয়াৰণ্য, পবিতৰাকে ধৰি প্ৰকৃতিৰ নুমলী জীয়ৰী হিচাপে খ্যা‍ত অসমৰ অৰণ্যঞ্চলৰ সিংহভাগেই এতিয়া উদং হৈ পৰিছে।চালে চকু ৰোৱা সেউজ পাহাৰে আবৰি থকা গুৱাহাটীৰ এতিয়াৰ তপা ৰূপ দেখিলে তাহানিৰ নাগৰিকসকলৰ বুকু মোচৰ খাই উঠাৰে কথা।স্বয়ং ৰাজধানী মহানগৰখনকে স্পৰ্শ কৰি থকা ঐতিহাসিক দীপৰ বিলখনেই ব্যপক হাৰত সংকুচিত হৈ আহিছে।দৰাচলতে সমগ্ৰ ৰাজ্যখনতে প্ৰকৃতিৰ ওপৰত অত্যাচাৰ দিনকদিনে বৃদ্ধি পাই আহিছে। গঁড় হত্যা,বাঘ হ্ত্যা ,হাতী হত্যা,দুপ্ৰাপ্য কেকোঁ সাপৰচ চোৰাং ব্যৱসায় এতিয়া সংবাদ মাধ্যমৰ নিত্য-নৈমিত্তিক খবৰ। তথাপি এনে অপকৰ্ম ৰোধ কৰাৰ ক্ষে্ত্রত বাৰম্বাৰ ব্যৰ্থ হৈ আহিছে চৰকাৰ- প্ৰশাখন।গতিকে পৰিবেশতন্ত্রও দ্ৰুতগতিত বিনস্ট হৈ আহিছে।ইয়াৰ প্ৰভাৱ যে মানব সমাজৰ ওপৰত পৰিছে তাৰ প্ৰমান হ’ল দিনে দিনে বৃদ্ধি পাই অহা বিভিন্ন দুৰাৰোগ্য ৰোগবোৰ। আজিৰ পৰা এবছৰমান পূৰ্বে এটা সৰ্বভাৰতীয় পৰ্যায়ৰ বেচৰকাৰি সংস্থাই প্ৰকাশ কৰা সমীক্ষাৰ নিয়ম অনুসৰি ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ ভিতৰতে আাটাইতকৈ বেছিসংখ্যক কৰ্কট ৰোগী থকা জিলা হৈছে কামৰূপ মহানগৰ জিলা ।কামৰুপ মহানগৰ জিলাৰ বিনষ্ট পৰিবেশতন্ত্রৰ বাবেই এনে ঘটনা সংঘটিত হোৱা বুলি ভবাৰ অৱকাশ নিশ্চয় আছে।কামৰুপ মহানগৰ জিলাৰ তথা সমগ্ৰ ৰাজ্যখনৰেই প্ৰানকেন্দ্ৰ গুৱাহাটীৰ মাজেৰে একালত কমেও সাতখনকৈ নৈ থকাৰ কথা ইতিহাসে সোঁৱৰাই দিয়ে। ইয়াৰে কেবাখনো নদীৰ ইতিমধ্যে অপমৃত্যু ঘটিল আৰু অৱশিষ্ট যিকেইখন নৈ আছে সেয়াও নৈ নহৈ নৰ্দমাত পৰিণত হৈছে।প্ৰকৃতিৰ ওপৰত এনে নিধনযজ্ঞ চলালে প্ৰকৃতিয়ে কিমান দিনলৈ সহ্য কৰিব? কাৰণ প্ৰকৃতি নিস্প্ৰিান নহয়।সম্প্ৰতি বিশ্বৰ বিভিন্ন দেশৰ লগতে ভাৰতবৰ্ষ তথা অসম-উত্তৰ পূৰ্বাঞ্চলতো পৰিৱেশ-প্ৰকৃতিয়ে ভীষণ ৰূপ ধাৰণ কৰিছে।দূবছৰ পূৰ্বে এপ্ৰিল মাহতে ৰাজ্যখনত পাৰাস্তম্ভই ৩৯ ডিগ্ৰীৰ ঘৰ অতিক্ৰম কৰি জনজীৱন দহি নিছিল।প্ৰকৃতিৰ এনে খেয়ালি ৰূপৰ ওপৰত বিজ্ঞান-প্ৰযুক্তিয়ে বাৰে বাৰে হাৰমানি আহিছে।এই কথা বুজিয়ে স্বয়ম্ভু জীৱশ্ৰেষ্ঠসকলে পৰিৱেশ-প্ৰকৃতিৰ নীতি-নিয়ম উপেক্ষা নকৰি ভাৰসাম্য বজাই ৰখাৰ প্ৰচেষ্টা চলোৱা উচিত।সভা-সমিতি অনুষ্ঠিত কৰি অথবা প্ৰতীকি অৰ্থত গণ্য-মান্য ব্যক্তিৰ দ্বাৰা এটা গছপুলি ৰুলেই বিশ্ব পৰিৱেশ দিৱশ অৰ্থবহ হৈ নপৰে।সকলো সময়তেই প্ৰকৃতিৰ লগত সহাৱস্থানেহে পৰিৱেশতন্ত্রক জীৱকূলৰ উপযোগী কৰি ৰাখিব।

Make Yoga an Everyday Practice

As I start to craft a piece on yoga for ‘The Heart’— a charitable organization that promises free health services— I remember the words of cardiologist Dr. Chandan Modak— “It’s unfortunate, sister-in-law. The patients you have brought here for treatment are all the cases of self-neglect.” This he said when I encountered him in the premise of Dispur Hospitals. Sadly, the patients he talked about were my seriously sick relatives I was helping out at that time. Very embarrassed, though I said it might be a case of unidentified fear for some deadly disease that might be detected when diagnosed, I did realize how negligence towards health might have us on risks and might increase the challenges of the physicians as well.

This perhaps answers the question that popped into my head when Dr. Chandan, the President of The Heart, wanted me to write a piece on yoga for his website. My initial wonder was if yoga has anything to do with an institute that is already providing free treatment and medication. Later, what understanding I am left with is even if we have all-healer doctors as well as improved medical facilities in our vicinity, our utter ignorance about the biological body married with our sloppiness may take us to what we call ‘unfortunate’ in our life. To avoid this, we have to take on some practice that guarantees a fitness life if not totally ailment free life. It should be a practice that would at least let us have some workable knowledge about our bio body that in turn would make us aware of the facts ‘I am not feeling well’, ‘My body parts/organs are not working the way they used to’ etc. Above all, it should be a tool that would enhance our sense of watchfulness on our body. Here yoga comes as a message.

Yoga, as the word implies, is the union of the petty self (citta) with the Pure Self. But how citta attains Pure Self is another story of another day. For, the intent of this write-up is not to go the detail of a yogi’s complete journey towards the attainment of the ultimate truth. Rather it is to highlight yoga as a practical training of mind and body. For it is also a practice the cultivation of which helps generate good health, longevity and perennial happiness and peace.

Though the training involves long eightfold path of discipline, the popular among them are asana (postures), pranayama (control of breath) and dhyana (meditation). A brief discussion about these three would be handy to know how they work as a healing tool for our body and mind.

Asana means steady and comfortable position. It looks after the way we park our body. And it plays a great role in every activity we do. For whatever we do, say reading, eating or sleeping etc. we do in a particular posture the inappropriateness of which may cost us our attention, concentration and workability. Asanas are gentle stretching movements introduced to help balance the body and mind. They are designed to rejuvenate the brain, spine, glands and internal organs. They have all-pervading effect on the physical, mental and spiritual functioning of the body. Through healing, strengthening, stretching, and relaxing the skeletal, muscular, digestive, cardio-vascular, glandular and nervous systems, they enhance the physical functioning of the body. Through the cultivation of a quiet and a peaceful mind, alertness and concentration, they augment the mental functioning of the body. Lastly, by preparing the body for meditation, they boost up the spiritual functioning of the body.

Pranayama is the control of breath. It thus deals with the regulation of inhalation, retention and exhalation of breath. Through the control of breath it controls prana or vital energy. Then what is prana? Prana is the sum total of all forces or energies— material and spiritual— in the universe. These energies drive themselves outwardly in terms of objects through the vehicle of the body. Thus all the forces, from thought down to the lowest force, are the manifestation of prana. Now the process of inhalation, retention and exhalation, the physiological activity of the body, is all the outward indication of the internal activity of the prana. Thus what pranayama does here is to have a thorough knowledge of and to have a control over prana.

Dhyana is meditation. Here the mind concentrates on a particular thing, form or concept for a considerable length of time. Now what does the practitioner attain through this process of concentration? When the practitioner concentrates on a particular object, he withdraws his senses from the outward things. Slowly, the mind stops getting perturbed from external influences. Once the mind is free from the sway of externality, it becomes quiet and in the quietness of the mind, one can watchfully observe the activities of his limbs and organs. Indeed, it is one of the ways how we can converse with our body parts and can be aware of the disorder or malfunctioning, if any, of them.

This we can hardly manage to do in the hustle and bustle of our eventful life. Our goal is always outside and hence our energy is directed outwardly reverse of which occurs very rarely. But the milestone we strive to achieve in this goal oriented busy life often comes at the cost of our health and wellbeing. We should remember that staying healthy is also our prime duty. And we should be careful about our health and immune systems that are under constant assault from stress, pollution and contaminated foods. That requires us to fit healthy habits into our hectic life. Acquisition of healthy habits would hopefully allow us to live fit without relying much on health care provider in general and would help the poor stay healthy without spending money on health in particular.

Healthy living does not cost much. A little awareness does wonders in this regard. Probably it is the noble intention behind the inclusion of yoga as one of the items on the agenda of The Heart that seeks to address the issues of health by navigating through the problem of ‘heart’, a vital organ of human body as well as a term that is used to mean ‘most important point’ (e.g. ‘heart of the matter’, ‘heart of the answer’ etc.). For the free services sought to provide by this organization are specially meant for the needy many, not necessarily for the privileged few. And yoga is such a practice that promises health free of cost. The only cost the practitioner has to bear is his/her regularity and readiness. This practice is, however, like any other healthy practices, opposed to procrastination. As Wayne Gretzky says, “Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.”



Uncontrolled division of abnormal cells that is out of control cell growth. Some of the cells of our body begins to devide without stopping and spread into nearby tissues. It can start anywhere in the body which is made up of trillions of cells.

In short answer is ‘YES’. All cancers are curable if treated early. Some cancers respond better to treatment than others.

Cancer is ‘NOT CONTAGIOUS’. A healthy person cannot ‘CATCH’ cancer from a person who is having it. There is no evidence that close contact or things like sharing meals, breathing the same air, touching, kissing, sexual intercourse etc. can spread cancer.

For most types of cancers, there is no conclusive evidence that needle biopsy (which is a procedure to diagnose cancer) causes cancer cell to spread. But there are exceptions which surgeons are aware of for example it is not used in testicular cancer.Instead if doctor suspects it the testis is removed.

The answer is ‘NO’. Don’t delay your treatment because of this false belief. Surgically removing the cancer is often the first and most important treatment.

The answer is ‘NO’. What treatment you receive depends upon where your cancer is, how much it has spread, how it is affecting your body, the variety of cancer and your general health.

Pain often occurs at the advanced stage of most cancers. In fact some cancers never cause pain.